BLOG HOMEMarketing Strategy

8 Best Ways to Market Your Product Online

Marketing your product online isn’t what it used to be. In fact, it has gotten a whole lot more difficult to get consumers to notice your business among all the competition. Without a sound marketing strategy to guide you, you’re certain to face an uphill battle simply to establish long-term customer relationships. Yet, hope is […]

8 Common Dropshipping Mistakes to Avoid

Dropshipping seems to be a no-brainer for retailers in a world that jumps at any opportunity to make a business transaction quick and convenient. It may appear that, now, your only concerns are acquiring your product and marketing with a bit of savvy. Yet, you cannot forget about the customer’s experience if you want to […]

How to Turn Live Chats into Customers for Your Ecommerce Store

Because consumers have come to expect personalized service in virtually every area of the retail experience, live chats have become an increasingly popular way to connect directly with existing customers and prospects alike. Naturally, eCommerce sites are particularly well-suited to this approach, and live chat is an invaluable tool to develop brand loyalty and long-term […]

Facts & Myths of Ecommerce Marketing Optimization

With each passing year, eCommerce is further cementing its status as consumers’ preferred way of shopping. The number of new and existing sites committing the bulk of their marketing efforts on online retail has increased dramatically, and due to this growing competition, eCommerce marketing optimization is more essential than perhaps it ever has been. Yet, […]

5 Retail Marketing Strategies of Top-Performing Companies

When it comes to transforming prospects into paying customers, there’s no way we can underestimate the significance of your marketing team. After all, this is where the difference lies between a quality product that crashes and burns to one that becomes a household name as well as an industry standard. From spreading awareness of your […]

How to Build a Retail Marketing Plan

With today’s crowded marketplace, it has never been more essential to ensure that you have a sound marketing strategy in place to foster the growth of your business. Modern consumers are so regularly overwhelmed with content coming from all angles, social media, email, commercial, billboard, all vying for their patronage and hard-earned dollars. This challenge […]
