BLOG HOMEEcommerce

What Does the Back to School 2020 Retail Season Look Like?

Anyone who’s been in the retail business knows how important capitalizing on the shopping wave during the back to school, or BTS season is. Depending upon which expert you ask, this potential boom in sales is the second or the third biggest during a calendar year. However, things are not quite the same this year […]

6 Ways to Drive More eCommerce Traffic with Automation

Traffic. For most people, the word simply pertains to that everyday headache faced during your daily commute. However, for anyone working within the world of eCommerce, traffic is the most critical element of business and the one on which everything hinges. Regardless of how stellar your products are or how meticulously designed your website is, […]

Capture More Retail Customers with Automated Price Monitoring

Ask any consumer what rationale guides their decision-making when it comes to retail purchases, and pricing will almost certainly emerge as one of the most prominent considerations. Because of this, business owners understand that the strategy they apply to their pricing can make all the difference in the long-term success they achieve (or don’t achieve) […]
